Thursday, February 10, 2011

Totally unlock the Subconscious mind rather than concious mind

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Editorial's point of view:

As we all may know, us humans do not fully use 100%. While their are no answers to fully unlock your full potential, their are ways that you can tap into your mind and combine some brain Links to help crack the door to your full potential. I strongly believe that I can unlock my mind though years of meditation and sincerely pray always to Him, . Walk to His path of righteousness. Knows the main objectives of God's creation, earth creation and why we live and will leave ? Aren't we ? Train your mind to become well-sharpened. Read more books, articles, magazines, newspapers, and knows current issues and new trends of  learning. Travel to explore the the province, city, country, and world. Discover things to its deepest meaning. Solve real problems with concrete factual evidences. Practice active 100% listening skills to other  real experiences that is real learning experiences.Follow or imatation real righteous people. Dare to fail, moreover, try to trace why you fail, and resolve the main root of failing to become well-succeed. Try to apply the theory of Teaching by doing of examples by John Dewey, follow what he says and follow what he deed righteously. Try to discover Edgar Dale theory that learning from simple to its abstract and concrete learning perspectives. Active transparency of learning well- absorption takes place with the foundation of early and late childhood years, so if you are parents, " Teach child the way he should go ", and when he grows up, he will not forget the things you taught. Discover child's maximum potential, unlock sub-conscious mind to the totality of active stimulus, and accurate sensation of perception and integrate multiple intelligences of learning.  Leader is not born, it is build. According to some research study, balance food in take may help or eating more veggies food, more fruits and vegetables, and drinking a lot of water. Other researches said, that Socio-economic status is important factor that can help child to become intelligent because how can you provide better education if you have no money to provide expenses and other necessities. Positive environment to its positive outcome of results. Genetic or hereditary factor may become a bases, moreover, other researches said, that Environment factor is the most huge contributors of totality learning. Whatever learning is ? How learning takes place ? How to unlock totality of subconscious mind ? It is a huge responsibility challenge of  how to become or how to apply it to each and everyone who live and will leave in this world ? Have you discover ? Do you want to discover ? Aren't you ? You shall !


  1. Your free to comment for your opinion and factual bases to expand this blog post..... thankx......

  2. I like your webpage, but you stopped posting in February of 2011. What happened?

    I love all the mind power, NLP, metaphysical-brain stuff :)
    I have found I can apply it to anything (software development to getting toned).

    I looked at your other websites listed and they are all 404 not found.

    I hope you're still out there.

    - Michelle
